Home / Canning Tips
Tips and Tricks
Canning has changed over the decades. It is crucial to keep up with the changes as they may differ from how your parents and grandparents canned.
The Basics, tools and equipment
Hot water canner or pressure cooker depending on what you are canning
Canning rack
Mason jars, make sure to inspect jars are free and clear of chips or cracks
Lid lifter tool, Jar lifter tool, Bubble burster/headspace measurer tool
Sharp knife, Cutting board, Large bowls, Peelers
Absorbent kitchen towel and cooling rack
Labels for your finished food
Safe gloves silicone-heat resistant and waterproof are best for protecting hands
Canning is a science, not an art
Always read the entire recipe before starting.
Follow the manufacturer's directions for preparing your jars, lids, and rings.
Produce should always be garden fresh or purchased from a grocery or local grower.
Check your jars. Do not use jars with chips or cracks or jars older than ten years old.
Do not use rusty or dented rings. Use new lids only. Do not boil your lids.
Always use a rack in your canner.
For hard water, add ½ teaspoon vinegar to the water bath.
Always keep a kettle with boiled water on the stove in case you need more water.
Check the recipe processing time. Do not cook or undercook. Processing time begins when the water in the canner is at a hard boil.
Recipes with less than 10 minutes of processing time must use sanitized jars. Using a dishwasher 140 degrees or higher is a suitable method of sanitizing.
The water level inside a hot water canner must be 1-2 inches above the jar.
Acidity, pay attention to the vinegar's acidity. It must be 5% or higher, and it must match the recipe ingredients.
Avoid changing recipes for canning. Changing the vinegar, water, and primary ingredients can affect the PH. Boiling longer also affects the PH.
When using turmeric, only use the powder for the best results.
Always store jars properly in a cool, dry place after checking their seals. Rings may be removed, and jars' rims should be clean of debris.
Fill hot jars quickly and use a funnel to reduce the mess.
Visit our videos page for additional demonstrations on canning and our Yes, I Can!® products